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I started making music when i was a teenager. I always believed it would be my career but I'm not sure I ever imagined how many amazing places it would take me. I also couldn't be more grateful for all the amazing people it has introduced me to over the years.

In 2019, I started a Patreon account to fundraise for a year of 52 weekly releases and in doing so, I discovered a wonderful community of friends who not only enjoy my music but enjoy supporting it as well.

After that fundraising year was up, none of us wanted to disband the newly formed Wreking Crew and so, I continued to build out the community and add features along the way.

I now take all my new music, videos, and merch to this community first. We do live stream meet ups every week. We have a super active Discord chat server. It's become like a family to me and since leaving my recording agreement with Strange Music back in May, The Wreking Crew has become my primary source for complete independence and creative inspiration.

Not only does the direct connection inspire me in new ways daily and give me a circle of people to bounce my new ideas off of but the financial support helps to produce new music, shoot new videos, print new merch, and get these ideas out of my head and into the world.

For that, I truly couldn't be more grateful.

After 11 years on THE most successful independent record label in the world, I'm ready to take what i've learned and continue to build upon it. 2023 will be my first fully independent year as an artist in over a decade.

Terrifying, but also really exciting at the same time.

With your help, we can turn it up louder than we ever have before. I invite you to click below to check out all the benefits of becoming a member of The Wreking Crew and then join up with us for the new year.

I'm running a special all January that gives annual pledges 12 months of membership for the price of 10 or if you prefer you can pledge monthly for as low as $3/month.

I hope you'll join me on this journey and enjoy all the music that's to come.

Much love,


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